Schlosshotels in Carinthia
The sunny side of the Alps
Carinthia truly has it all and may be fairly considered a "compilation of Austria": stunning mountains, idyllic lakes, historic cities, and warm hosts – perhaps due to the sunshine, which seems to beam particularly brightly in this southern region. Discover a carefully curated selection of Carinthia's finest "Schlosshotels & Herrenhäuser". Choose between Seeschlössl Velden on Wörthersee, a lake often referred to as Austria's Côte d'Azur, the Hotel See-Villa on Millstätter See with views of the Nockberge mountains, or Hotel Schloss Lerchenhof in Hermagor in the Carnic Alps, known especially for the Nassfeld, a popular hiking and skiing destination.
Photos: Wörthersee with sailboats (photo) Steinthaler (c) Kärnten Werbung, Nockalmstraße (c) / Helge-Bauer, Evening mood on Millstätter See (photo) Uwe Geissler (c) Kärnten Werbung, Holiday on Wörthersee (photo) Gert Perauer (c) Kärnten Werbung, Holiday on Wörthersee (photo) Gert Perauer (c) Kärnten Werbung, Millstätter See (c) Österreich Werbung / Susanne Einzenberger, Hiking in the Nassfeld (c) Nassfeld / Michael Stabentheiner, View of the Mittagskogel (photo) Michael Stabentheiner (c) Region Villach Tourismus GmbH, Lesachtal (c) TVB Lesachtal / / Daniel Zupanc, Skiing (c) Nassfeld / Martin Lugger, Winter landscape in Carinthia (c) Österreich Werbung / Michael Stabentheiner