The Hotel
A castle majestically enthroned high above the emerald-green lake*. Strolling through magnificent rooms; stuccowork and wooden ceilings with elaborate carvings, exquisite antique furniture, elegant baths with mosaics. Ceiling frescoes, paintings on a par with the Old Masters, gently clinking crystal chandeliers. The rushing of a nearby waterfall and pleasant forest air wafting through the open window; verdant islands in the idyllic lake far below.
*) Most beautiful place in Tyrol 2022: Lake Fernsteinsee was voted the most beautiful place in Tyrol 2022 by the viewers of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF).
Fairy tale
Castle ambience with luxurious suites
Living history
Symbiosis of three époques from the 12th, 14th and 19th cent.
Call of the Alps
Zugspitzarena, Samarangersee and Fernsteinsee
1000 m
Nature resort
280,000 m²
Type of Hotel
Favorite excursion destination of
King Ludwig II of Bavaria
Castle hotel at lake Fernsteinsee
Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee reposes high above the emerald-green lake, surrounded by forests. In three buildings – the castle, hotel and villa – guests are greeted by magnificently furnished rooms with every comfort. Several restaurants, a café with its own patisserie as well as the castle bar provide for physical well-being, while the endless forests invite you to re-energize and discover inspiration in the midst of nature.
In winter, Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee takes a break.
Summer bookings are accepted at any time!
The Location
Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee
Fernstein 475
6465 Nassereith
PS: Also a paradise for divers.