Heritage.Hotel Hallstatt in winter, Salzkammergut region


"Between lake and mountains"

Hallstatt, Salzkammergut, Austria

The Hotel

The door to the balcony stands open, beyond it the lake and a tall cliff. Step out and gaze across the broad water; the first whitecaps, a cool wind in your face. Clouds move in, sailboats begin steering towards the shore. A gust of wind moves the trees and pushes a swirl of leaves over the lake, a rumble of thunder in the distance. Breathe into your hands, pull your collar up higher and return to the warmth of your room.

Bar under old vaults at Heritage.Hotel Hallstatt (c) Photo Klaus Krumböck
Heritage.Hotel in Hallstatt
Hightables at Restaurant Seeauer, Heritage.Hotel Hallstatt (c) Photo Klaus Krumböck
Heritage.Hotel in Hallstatt

Three historic houses in Hallstatt

In its three historic buildings, Heritage.Hotel Hallstatt offers a total of 55 stylish rooms, including classic double rooms, junior suites and family suites for up to 5 people – all with views of the lake and UNESCO World Heritage Hallstatt. In restaurant Seeauer, you are greeted by Austrian cuisine with international influences, as well as regional specialties from the Salzkammergut.

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The Gallery

Restaurant Seeauer im Heritage.Hotel Hallstatt (c) Foto Klaus Krumböck

The Location

Heritage.Hotel Hallstatt
Landungsplatz 101
4830 Hallstatt

+43 61 34 20 03 60



PS: One location, three houses.


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