
By waiting we discover time.

Life and discovery are one and the same thing. As soon as we open our eyes for the first time, we discover things, people and places. And never stop doing so until we ultimately stop being. Sometimes it is easy to detect something new, with no effort at all. As when we travel, stumbling from one new discovery to the next, almost as if someone were propelling us towards each.

Sometimes we must roam our world with open eyes in order to note something special in the commonplace – such as the unique color of the facade of the house in which we have been living for years. We must raise our eyes to notice that there is a stone stag on the roof of the building opposite. And there always has been. And sometimes we must take one additional step, walk a little farther or peak around the next bend in order to catch sight of something worth discovering: a small lake, an abandoned ruin or a new perspective of the city.

But it isn’t only our eyes that discover. So, too, do our ears, noses and skin. The sound of a church bell that has always chimed at the top of every hour day in and day out, yet which we hear for the first time because suddenly everything around us is quite silent. The smell of wet pavement after the first heavy rain at the end of a long, dry summer. Or the warmth of the spring sunshine on our still-pale skin in March.

But it isn’t only our eyes that discover. So, too, do our ears, noses and skin. The sound of a church bell that has always chimed at the top of every hour day in and day out, yet which we hear for the first time because suddenly everything around us is quite silent. The smell of wet pavement after the first heavy rain at the end of a long, dry summer. Or the warmth of the spring sunshine on our still-pale skin in March.

And always when we believe there is nothing more to discover, because we are where we always are. Where we have seen, heard, smelled and felt everything. And when we are unable to go anywhere else, it is then that we discover the time to recall episodes from our past. Because discoveries from our past are the beautiful memories that populate our present, and that whet our appetite for new adventures in the future.


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